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In Shades of Me, the journey unfolds as it delves into the discovery and exploration of identity and belonging for an Aboriginal woman within a family adept at concealing its secrets behind the façade of light-coloured skin.


Mel's story offers a glimpse into the challenges of growing up amidst conflicting cultures and families grappling with the complexities of Aboriginal heritage. Mel, with her personal experiences, addresses these issues with authenticity

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Mel's passion shines through as she endeavours to challenge prevailing beliefs surrounding family violence and generational trauma for Aboriginal people. Her story becomes a catalyst for challenging systemic beliefs, fostering a collective understanding and awareness in a country that claims to be racially tolerant yet harbour's deep-seated issues.

 Mel shares poignant accounts of family violence and the intricate dynamics of living with such hidden struggles. Her narrative progresses to the challenges of documenting her life story, illuminating the path for others to find the courage to confront their own truths.

At the core of Mel's book lies a theme of love and humour intricately woven into her tale of grief and loss. This narrative becomes her driving force to confront a history marked by violence and generational trauma.


It challenges a nation still cloaked in the illusion of racial tolerance, urging acceptance for those who differ.


6pm - 2 July

Planet Corroboree 

Byron Bay Community Centre, NSW


6pm - 9 July 2024

Brisbane Square Library

Brisbane  QLD


6pm -4 July 2024

Oran Park Library

Oran Park, NSW


10.30am - 11 July 2024

Mosman Library

Mosman NSW 


6pm -8 July 2024

Maleny Neighbour  Centre

Maleny, QLD 


6pm - 11 July

Better Read than Dead

Newtown, NSW


2pm - 12 July

Waverley Library

Bondi Junction, NSW


3pm - 13 July

National Archivies of Australia

Canberra, ACT


12pm - 24 July

The Gallery

Coffs Harbour, NSW


6pm - 13 August

Marrickville Library

Marrickville, NSW

Shades of Me
Mel Brown

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